If you have your old Susan Bates Peg-It, but have lost some or all of your pegs, don’t despair! I discovered a substitute for those pegs, that you may have stashed away in your home right now.
The blue peg below is the original peg that came with my Susan Bates Peg It knitting counter. The white & red pegs came from an old Battleship board game, not the electronic version (I’ll get to that later).

The pegs fit nicely in the “storage row”.

And they fit in the counting areas without any trouble.

I actually like the Battleship pegs better than the originals because they are easier to push into the board, and remove. They hold in place well. Even, when I turned the board upside down and gave it a little shake, the pegs did not fall out. However, I would not throw it into your knitting bag & travel around, they are likely to come loose.
Since the Battleship board game pegs worked so well, I thought I’d give Electronic Battleship pegs a go. Below, is the blue peg from my Peg-It & the white peg is from Electronic Battleship

The pegs from Electronic Battleship fit nicely side-by-side in the holding area. And, they work just as well underneath one another. They won’t fit side-by-side, but since you would never need to do that, it’s really not an issue. These pegs have a snugger fit, so they stay put very well when the board is “tossed” around. They are also easy to insert and remove from the board.

I hope this post helps you put your old Peg It back into commission. If you don’t have this game in your closet, your local thrift store is a great place to find it. You could also try flea markets and yard sales.